Locwool & Hemp, soft and resistant
Locwool Characteristics
The Merinolandschaf (Merino Landrace) originates in the Württemberg area, Southern and Central Germany. It is a crossbreed between local sheep breeds and Merino sheep. With more than 30% of the German sheep stock, it is now the main breed in the Country.
This white wool is merino type with 26 to 28 microns.
Merino Wool has long been regarded as one of the finest and softest wools with properties that lend themselves to aerobic activity and long stays in the outdoors: body temperature regulation, warmth when wet, wicking or the ability to draw moisture away from the body and antimicrobial properties that help keep garments odour free. Even while wet, wool will generate heat up to an absorbency level of 30%.
Hemp Characteristics
Hemp is one of the most eco-friendly and versatile fibers in the world.
The plant requires no pesticides, it crowdsout weeds without herbicides, it controls erosion of the topsoil, and it produces oxygen. It is a renewable resource that can be cultivated in as little as 100 days.
Hemp insulation provides all the warmth and softness of a natural textile but with a superior durability compared to other materials. Hemp is extremely versatile and can be used for countless products.