Climaeco, soft, warm, comfortable, breathable and long-lasting
The need to preserve our planet from continuous overcrowding of waste brought many companies to consider the importance of recycling materials. We know that resources are limited and waste materials are contaminating more and more the soil, the water and the air, causing the destruction of many ecosystems.
Also in textile world, many companies started to use recycled materials, both synthetic and natural, to realize their garments.
The innovative insulation Clima Eco 100 is been created following this trend and is the result of a process that involves the selection of post-consumer recycled plastic bottles of European origin. These are collected and processed to obtain again a raw material that can be used in various applications.
Clima Eco 100, containing the 100% of recycled polyester, is a soft, warm, comfortable, breathable and long-lasting insulation which is as good as fillings realized with virgin raw materials. Being a totally recycled material, Clima Eco 100 is an eco-friendly product that has obtained the GRS mark, a holistic certification for products with recycled content. This certification is promoted internationally by the Textile Exchange organization with the aim of promoting environmental responsibility and sustainable development in the textile industry.